Thursday, June 13, 2019

Lifestyle Journey

Hi everyone,

I've posted on my Instagram stories about 
my weight loss journey & received a few DM's
asking how I did it. I decided to put together
a blog post about my journey & how I lost 40 + lbs. Its
a long one so grab a healthy snack & enjoy! 

I've always been average sized for my height &
at times would gain 15-20 lbs but lose it within
a few months. After my wedding I finally felt
free to not look a certain way or constantly workout.
After months {okay, over a year, lol} of taking
the easy way out, I gained about 43-45 lbs from
July 2017 to October 2018. I reached a point
where I was unhappy with my body & knew I needed
to get back into shape. I randomly picked a day
{Oct. 10th to be exact} & decided to make a change.
I worked out constantly for several weeks & tried
my best to make healthy food choices. I'm happy to
announce that I've lost ALL the weight I gained AND
I'm lighter than I was on my wedding day :) Don't
get my wrong, I have my days where I stuff my face
with junk food & may skip a day or two where I don't work
out but the most important part is I stay consistent with
this lifestyle change.

Below are some tips that helped me. Everyone is different but
this is what worked best for me & my body.

  ©   Workouts
o   I worked out non-stop for several weeks in a row before I began to cut my workouts down to 6 days a week. Obviously, there are times where I miss a few days in a row but I try my hardest to workout every day
o   My workouts consist of…..
§  Running + Walking
·        Running for a few mins & then walking fast. I do this for little over a mile, then I walk fast as my cool down for little over a mile
§  21 Day Fix by Beachbody Workouts
·        10 + 5 lb weights
·        My favorites that show best results
o   Total Body Cardio
o   Upper Fix
o   Dirty 30
o   Most days I try to do both running/walking AND a Beachbody workout
o   Occasionally I will add in different workouts moves like Russian twists, triceps dips, crunches, elbow to knee moves, high knees, etc. If I don’t have time after my run/walk to do a Beachbody workout, ‘I’ll do free weights for a few mins
o   I just purchased Beachbody On Demand & I’m very excited to try new workouts! 

©   Eats
o   You can workout all you want but eating proper foods helps make a huge difference! I’m not perfect, I eat bad foods here & there, but I always try to make healthy choices
o   I cut out a lot of carbs, dairy, & late-night snacking. For example, if we’re having tacos for dinner, instead of me having 1-3 tortilla tacos, I’ll make a taco salad with spinach + mixed greens and have just a few tortilla chips + salsa. I’ve also cut down on dressings + cheeses. Instead of dunking tater tots into a giant bowl of ranch or drowning my salad in dressing + pile high of shredded cheese, I’ve cut my dairy into half if not a little less. Overtime your body gets used to the change and you don’t crave it anymore. I actually enjoy tater tots by themselves & am fine if I don’t dip them in a dressing
o   My day to day food intake varies but an average day would look like this….
§  Breakfast
·         Fresh fruit {Strawberries + Blueberries} & either healthy PB, granola, granola bar, or berries by themselves w/ one cup of coffee. For coffee, I try to limit my creamer {I buy whatever creamer I want b/c that’s one thing I don’t want to give up} & half a packet of Trivia sugar.
§  Lunch
·        Salad w/ some type of meat w/ very little cheese + dressing
·        I LOVE Morningstar brand buffalo chickpea patty. I eat it by itself w/ a pickle spear & almond thin crackers. YUM!
·        Leftovers from previous dinner
§  Afternoon Snack
·        Apple or whole/lightly salted almonds
§  Dinner
·        I make all kinds of different meals throughout the week, its just a matter of swapping out carbs if you are including them in your dinner & watching portion control
o   Drinks
§  I have & always will be a water girl. I normally drink one cup of coffee each day + plenty water and that’s it! Once in awhile I’ll have a sweet tea, sprite, & alcohol beverage

©    Tips
o   Drink plenty of water!
o   Brush your teeth right after dinner to avoid snacking
o   Try not to eat after 7pm
o   Consistency is key
o   It takes a while to notice a difference
§  4 weeks for you to notice a change
§  8 weeks for family & friends
§  12 weeks for the rest of the world
o  Be kind to yourself, you’re doing the best you can

Ashley Nicole, xo

Monday, June 3, 2019

Strawberry Pickin'

Hi friends, Happy June!

Can't believe the crazy month of May is over. It was a bit busy
yet was so blessed weekends were filled with family & friends
festivities. I'm happy that Summer is officially here & my schedule
is starting to calm down. This past weekend I went Strawberry Pickin'
with some friends & it was SO much fun! The weather was perfect & I 
found it to be very relaxing--also got addicted in finding the "perfect"
strawberries to pick. All of them were so cute! After deciding 
what to do with the Strawberries, I jumped on Pinterest & found this
incredibly delicious recipe for Strawberry Bread w/ glaze. It was
super easy to make & oh so scrumptious. I'm including the recipe &
some snaps below--enjoy!

Ashley Nicole, xo